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Zoom Car Loans Finance Blog

We help Australians get the car loan they deserve



Zoom Finance Blog

You’ve heard the term “pre-approved” thrown around when it comes to loans or mortgages, but what exactly does it mean?When a lender or finance broker tells you that you are “pre-approved,” it means they’ve taken a look at the information you’ve provided them with—your income, assets, debts, credit score, and so on—and everything’s looking pretty good from their perspective.While pre-approval is undoubtedly a positive sign, it’s not a guarantee that you’ll walk away with that loan or mortgage just yet.The pre-approval process is like the first step in a longerSEE DETAILS </spa...

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Zoom Finance Blog

Embarking on a new business venture is an exhilarating journey!You’ve got this brilliant idea brewing, and now it’s time to unleash it into the world and witness its potential firsthand.Yet, there’s often that lingering question: “Can I secure a business loan if I have a bad credit rating?”It’s quite common for aspiring entrepreneurs, brimming with creativity and industry insight, to find themselves a tad uncertain when it comes to the financial intricacies of running a business.If you’re grappling with a less-than-ideal credit history, the thought of obtaining a business loanSEE DETAILS <span class="more-link-hover-imag...

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Zoom Finance Blog

Car loans are a common means for individuals to affordably purchase a vehicle without having to pay the full amount upfront.When considering a car loan, it’s essential to understand the terms and conditions associated with it, particularly any fees that may be involved.One term that often pops up is “No Early Exit Fee.” But what exactly does this mean, and how does it affect your car loan?What is an Early Exit Fee?An early exit fee, also known as a prepayment penalty, is a charge imposed by lenders if you paySEE DETAILS

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Zoom Finance Blog

Car finance can be a daunting prospect for individuals who have previously filed for bankruptcy. The process of rebuilding credit and regaining financial stability after bankruptcy can seem overwhelming, but it’s not impossible.In Brisbane, discharged bankrupts looking to finance a car have options available to them, although they may face some challenges compared to borrowers with pristine credit histories.Opportunities for Discharged Bankrupts:Specialised Lenders: Some lenders specialise in providing finance solutions for individuals with past credit issues, including discharged bankrupts. These lenders understand the unique circumstances of bankruptcy and may beSEE DETAILS <span ...

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Zoom Finance Blog

For many individuals in Adelaide, owning a car isn’t just a convenience; it’s a necessity for maintaining independence and accessing essential services.However, if you’re living on a pension, you might wonder if obtaining car finance is within reach. The good news is that while it may present some challenges, securing car finance while on a pension is indeed possible.Understanding Pensioner Finance OptionsFirstly, it’s essential to recognise that being on a pension doesn’t automatically disqualify you from obtaining car finance. Many lenders in Adelaide offer specialised finance options tailored to pensionersSEE DETAILS <span class="more-link-image...

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